Exploring San Diego Property with A Locksmith Friend


As I arrived in San Diego, I was excited to visit an old school friend who had become a locksmith and was running his own locksmith shop in the city and is one of the best locksmiths in San Diego CA. It had been years since we had seen each other, and I was looking forward to catching up and exploring the city together.

After meeting up at his shop, my friend received a call from a real estate agent asking for his assistance in repairing the door slider locks of a property that was currently on the market. He asked if I would be interested in accompanying him to the property, and I agreed.

As we arrived at the property, I couldn't help but be impressed by the prime location and beautiful views of the ocean. However, as we began to explore the interior of the house, I quickly realized that the price of the property was far beyond my budget for real estate investing.

The house was spacious and well-designed, but it was also clear that it would require a significant investment of time and money to bring it up to my desired standard for rental income. As we walked through the rooms, I couldn't help but feel that the property was more suited to someone with a larger budget and a greater appetite for investment risk.

After finishing the repairs, my friend and I left the property and continued exploring San Diego. As we talked about our respective careers and investment goals, I realized that I was content with my decision to focus on smaller, more affordable properties for rental income.

While the San Diego property had been impressive, I knew that it would require a significant investment of time and money that I was not yet ready to make. Instead, I would continue my search for more modest properties in locations that were still desirable for tenants.

The experience had been a valuable reminder of the importance of careful planning and budgeting when it comes to real estate investing. While the allure of prime locations and luxurious properties can be tempting, it is important to stay true to one's investment goals and budget constraints.